SEQOHS Accreditation
Medmark was the first occupational medical practice in Ireland to be awarded SEQOHS accreditation, being accredited in 2013.
SEQOHS (SAFE EFFECTIVE QUALITY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE) is an accreditation scheme managed by the Royal College of Physicians of London on behalf of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine. SEQOHS is endorsed by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.
SEQOHS aims to:
- enable services to identify the standards of practice to which they should aspire
- credit good work being done by high quality occupational health services, providing independent validation that they satisfy standards of quality
- raise standards where they need to be raised
- help purchasers differentiate occupational health services that attain the desired standards from those that do not
How can SEQOHS help you as an employer?
SEQOHS Accreditation can help you to determine whether an occupational health service is competent.
SEQOHS requires audit of procedures for business probity; confidentiality; qualifications, training, experience and supervision of staff; maintenance of facilities and equipment; quality assurance procedures; implementation of national guidelines; relationships with employers and patients, etc.
Although SEQOHS Accreditation is voluntary, the use of an occupational health service accredited by SEQOHS provides assurance through independent validation and that the service provided satisfies the SEQOHS Standards for safety, effectiveness and quality as a minimum.

Our accreditation will benefit our clients in a number of ways. You can be assured that:
- you are using a modern and efficient service which operates in line with best international occupational health practice,
- we keep on top of legislative and regulatory requirements that affect safety and health in occupational settings
- as we streamline our practices and eliminate waste as a barrier to quality, we can offer our clients a faster and more cost efficient solution to their Occupational Health requirements.