Your Medical Examination Information
You have been requested to attend an occupational health assessment and may have a number of questions regarding this. This introduction answers some of the most frequently asked questions.
Why do I have to have a medical assessment?
You have been referred to the occupational health service, Medmark, by your employer to undertake an independent assessment of your health in relation to your work.
Who am I about to attend?
You are about to attend an occupational physician or specialist nurse practitioner whose area of interest is work, health, ability and disability and any circumstances where work and health interfere with each other.
What is involved in an Occupational health assessment?
It is likely that the examiner has been sent a referral note by your employer asking him/her to address certain issues relating to your health and fitness for work. The examiner may start the assessment by discussing your role and your occupational history. The examiner may enquire about your personal and medical history and proceed to assess your current clinical condition and work absence. At the end of the history taking, if appropriate, the examiner may carry out a physical examination. This information will form the basis of a report to your employer advising on the extent of any incapacity or disability and its impact on your fitness for work.
What about confidentiality of my medical history?
You can tell the examiner anything you like during this assessment and you may be reassured that confidential information will not be disclosed to your employer without your consent. However, with your permission the examiner may provide limited medical information which may extend to naming your condition in circumstances where the diagnosis has already been disclosed to your employer or where some understanding of the nature of the condition may assist in managing your situation at work. The examiner is allowed to express an opinion as to whether you are fit or unfit to attend work or meetings, and to advise on any restrictions or modifications that should be placed on your work.
What format will the report take?
The examiner will write a report to your employer that will include relevant information about your medical condition, recommendations regarding your fitness for work and likely timescale of return to work and any adjustments/restrictions required. This will help your employer to know how to accommodate your needs in the workplace. The report may also endeavour to answer any specific questions that we’ve been asked by your employer.
Can I have a copy of the report?
Yes, in almost all circumstances you are entitled to receive a copy. Under the 2018 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you will need to ask your employer (Data Controller) to provide you with a copy of your report.
Data Retention Information
The types of personal data which we process for occupational health purposes which are covered by the GDPR include:
- Name
- Residential address
- Data concerning health
- Medical information
- Birth date
We will safeguard your personal data to ensure it remains confidential and will only handle your personal data in accordance with the terms contained in our privacy notice (available at reception or at and applicable data protection law.
Retention of your Personal Health Data
We will retain your medical records on an ongoing basis, for as long as we have a relationship with you, and/or in order for us to:
- comply with our legal records retention obligations;
- inform a diagnosis of a latent condition, ensure your health and safety and protect your vital interests;
- defend or bring legal claims; and/or
- address complaints regarding our services.
We will delete your personal data once it is no longer required for these purposes
Occupational health assessment consent
You have been referred to Medmark Occupational Healthcare (Medmark) for an Occupational Health service assessment. The use of personal sensitive information is regulated in law by all relevant data protection legislation and covered by the ethical requirements of the Medical Council of Ireland. This form assists in compliance with these regulations and requirements.
I understand the purpose of this medical assessment and or examination is to enable Medmark to:
- Establish the fitness of applicants to safely carry out duties of their intended position, including a screen for underlying medical disorders so that the employer can meet their responsibilities under Health, Safety and Disability Legislation
- Create an occupational health record to be held by Medmark and which may be referred to if the applicant is referred to Medmark at a future date
Informed consent must be obtained for an examination in line with the Medical Council of Ireland guidelines.
- I have been informed of the purpose and nature of this medical assessment and/or examination and give consent for the medical assessment / examination to be carried out.
- I understand that the assessment may include a physical examination and/or additional tests if necessary. The nature and purpose of any such examination or tests will be explained to me at the time of assessment.
- I agree to undergo this assessment for the purpose of a report being prepared including recommendations about my fitness for work and/or any reasonable workplace accommodations I may require.
- I consent to Medmark furnishing the report and notification concerning my fitness to work to my employer / or prospective employer and if applicable the on-site Occupational Health Department.
- Medically confidential information will not be disclosed in this report unless considered necessary and with my prior consent. I understand that in very rare circumstances information may have to be released without my consent, for example if required by law or if the safety of others may be at risk.
- I consent to Medmark obtaining information from my family doctors, or treating specialist, whom I have attended. I understand that information so obtained will be used to inform decision making regarding my fitness to work.

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